Mastering the Trails: Essential Skills for Mountain Biking

Learn the skills you need to become a proper shredder!

Mountain biking is not just a sport, for many it’s a way of life. 
It's a thrilling adventure that demands a unique set of skills and techniques, can take you to some incredible places and allows you to push your limits way past what you thought was possible. 
It can however be difficult and as a beginner, there are some things you should know before you dive in head first; thankfully, mastering these skills will get you well on your way to becoming a bonafide shredder so be sure to check them out below. 
Let's delve into the essential skills every mountain biker should develop:

1. Bike Handling Skills

Fundamental to mountain biking is bike handling; this includes maintaining balance, manoeuvring through and over obstacles, and controlling your bike in various conditions- and believe us when we say this is not as easy as it sounds. 
Practice essentials such as:
- Balance and Stability: Riding over uneven terrain requires a stable core and relaxed upper body, so be sure to practise riding over rocks, roots, bumps and other obstacles before heading to a technical downhill trail. 
- Cornering: Mastering the art of leaning your bike into turns and looking ahead of you to the corner exit will probably make the biggest difference to your overall experience- speed is fun after all.
- Braking: Knowing when and how to apply brakes efficiently without skidding can mean you stay in control of your bike even in the rough stuff; remember, your front brake is more powerful and will do most of the slowing, your back brake will give you stability and bring you to a stop. Using them with moderation is essential. 
- Shifting: Using gears effectively to maintain momentum, power and traction when going uphill and speed when heading downhill.

2. Trail Awareness

Understanding the trail and its features is crucial for a safe and enjoyable ride, and does not just apply to your safety, but the safety of others too. 
- Line Selection: Choosing the best path through obstacles like rocks, roots, and drops, not only to maintain speed, but also to ensure you’re riding obstacles that are within your skill set.
- Reading Terrain: Anticipating changes in the trail surface to adjust your speed and technique will allow you to cruise through mud, maintain control in sandy corners and stay upright on off camber or challenging trails segments.
- On-trail Safety: The way you use the trail has a huge effect on others; don’t stop in the middle of the trail, move to the side and clear the way for others. If you do end up having a dirt nap, then try to get out the way as quick as you can, if you’re unable then make some noise so you don’t get run over!
- Pre-ride, Re-ride, Freeride: It is essential to check out features before you ride them; riding things blind is not clever, and not cool. Get off your bike (move it off the trail) and walk the feature you’re looking at before attempting to ride it. 

3. Physical Fitness

Mountain biking demands endurance, strength, and flexibility so you may well find yourself struggling on your first few rides. Don’t be disheartened though, it’s a tough sport and requires hard work and dedication, that’s one of the reasons people love it so much! 
If you’re struggling then check out some of our blogs on MTB fitness.
- Endurance: Building stamina for long rides and challenging climbs will make a huge difference to your overall enjoyment of the sport. You’ll unlock the ability to explore and ride fun trails for longer!
- Strength: Developing leg and core strength is essential for pedaling power and bike control which you will need as your skills develop- you can’t be fast whilst not being strong enough to control your bike. 
- Flexibility: Maintaining agility on the bike and preventing injuries through stretching and conditioning exercises will mean you can ride more, enjoy it more and just feel better all round. 

4. Technical Skills

Now that your skills are starting to build there are some things you should practice that will further enhance your overall skill and style on the bike, take a look and see if you can learn any of them: 
- Bunny Hopping: Lifting both wheels off the ground simultaneously, or hopping, can help you to overcome obstacles, build your balance and improve your overall strength.
- Manuals and Wheelies: These are some of the most technically difficult skills here, and see riders balancing on their back wheel for short distances. A wheelie is when a rider lifts the front wheel in the air whilst in a seated position and pedals to maintain momentum, a manual is where the rider uses their existing momentum and speed to lift the front wheel and remain balanced over the rear wheel- both are very hard and require some serious skill. 
- Drops and Jumps: Many people will argue that drops and jumps are the most fun things you can do on a bike, and it’s hard to argue with them. Both can be practised in trail centres and bike parks, and you should always be aware that unsanctioned jumps and drops will not be as well built, refined or anywhere near as safe- tackle them at your own discretion.  

5. Bike Maintenance

Knowing how to maintain and repair your bike ensures the longevity of your bike’s life, and means if you come across any trouble out on the trail you’ll be able to save yourself a long walk back to the car. 
- Basic Repairs: Fixing punctures, adjusting brakes, and maintaining chain tension are all things that you will probably need to do on a semi-regular basis, so make sure you know how to do it! It’s also worth carrying the essential tools with you on a longer ride so you’re never caught out.
- Pre-ride Checks: Inspecting tires, brakes, and suspension for damage or potential dangers could save you a lot of pain and maybe even cash. Make sure your bike is always trail ready. 

6. Environmental Awareness

Having respect for nature, the trails you're using and the local area is a crucial part of the future of the sport. By being a thoughtful rider you can save the trail builders a lot of work, keep our planet healthier and enjoy being outdoors to its fullest extent.   
- Leave No Trace: Don’t EVER litter. I can’t believe we still have to have this conversation, but we do. If you’ve got some delicious snacks to enjoy on your ride, take the wrappers home with you and don’t ever drop them. You can go the extra mile by leaving space in your pack to pick up the litter of other, less considerate riders.  
- Sharing Trails: Yielding to other trail users and being courteous to other riders can help avoid accidents and destruction of nature surrounding the trails. Stay on the marked tracks and don’t have too much ego to allow faster riders to pass safely.   

The Final Word

Mastering mountain biking is a journey that combines physical prowess, technical skills, and mental acuity. By honing these essential skills—from bike handling and trail awareness to physical fitness and environmental consciousness—you can elevate your riding experience and explore the great outdoors with confidence. 
Whether you're navigating rocky terrain or soaring down thrilling descents, these skills will empower you to conquer any trail and embrace the exhilarating world of mountain biking.
Embrace the challenge, enjoy the ride, and remember: the trail awaits your next adventure!

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