Fuel Your Ride: The Best Snacks for Mountain Bikers

The ultimate on trail snacks for your next ride…

Mountain biking isn’t just a hobby; it’s a thrilling adventure that demands peak physical performance.; whether you’re conquering steep inclines or navigating rocky trails, your body needs the right fuel to keep going strong. Choosing the best snacks can make a significant difference in your endurance and enjoyment on the trail, so keep reading for a breakdown of the very best snacks a mountain biker can enjoy whilst out on the trails.
Here’s a guide to the top snacks that every mountain biker should consider packing for their next ride:

Trail Mix

Trail mix is a classic choice for outdoor enthusiasts, and for good reason; it's packed with a mix of nuts, dried fruits, and sometimes a touch of chocolate, providing a balanced blend of carbohydrates, protein, and healthy fats. The quick energy from the sugars in dried fruits combined with the sustained energy release from nuts makes trail mix an ideal snack to keep your energy levels stable during long rides. 

Trail mix is super easy to make a home, so avoid the hefty price tags and unwanted ingredients and throw some dried fruit into a bag of mixed nuts, simple and tasty!


Nature’s energy bar, bananas are packed with potassium, which helps prevent muscle cramps—a common issue during strenuous rides. They are also easy to digest and provide a quick source of natural sugars to fuel your muscles. Bananas are lightweight and come in their own biodegradable packaging, making them an environmentally friendly snack choice for mountain bikers.  Their only real downside is the soft skin that can be delicate, pack your snack carefully to avoid a banana mess! 

For extra points and a more well rounded snack, pair with a handful of nuts to slow sugar absorption.

Fresh Fruit

If bananas aren’t your thing, fresh fruits like apples, oranges, and berries are rich in vitamins, minerals, and antioxidants that support overall health and help your body recover from the physical demands of mountain biking. They also provide a natural source of sugars for quick energy without the crash associated with processed snacks. 

Again for a more well rounded snack throw in a protein source, like nuts and snack away. 

Energy Bars

Energy bars aren’t our favourite snacks as a lot contain heaps of unnecessary ingredients. But they are convenient and come in a variety of shapes, sizes and flavours to suit different dietary needs, and if you look hard enough you can find some decent ones out there. 

Look for bars that are high in complex carbohydrates for sustained energy, and with added protein to help repair muscles. Avoid bars with high sugar content, as they can cause energy crashes. Bars with ingredients like oats, nuts, and seeds are great choices for their nutritional value and sustained energy release. 

We really like Stoats Bars  because they have whole ingredients, taste delicious, are crazy affordable and are a super handy size to fit a couple in your hip pack! We are not sponsored or affiliated with them in any way, we're just so excited to find a delicious, healthy and well made product- they fuel all of our rides!  

Nut Butter and Whole Grain Crackers

Nut butters are a calorie-dense food rich in healthy fats and protein, making it an excellent choice for sustained energy on long rides. Our fav is peanut butter, but each to their own. Pair your chosen butter with whole grain crackers for a crunchy texture and additional carbohydrates. This combination provides a good balance of nutrients to keep you going mile after mile. 

Super delicious! If you’re feeling fancy, throw some raisins in there for a bit of a sugar boost too!

Dark Chocolate

For a small indulgence that also provides a boost of energy, consider packing some dark chocolate with a high cocoa content. Dark chocolate contains antioxidants and caffeine, which can enhance focus and alertness—perfect for tackling technical trails or pushing through fatigue- and, you know, it's delicious. 

Coconut Water

Staying hydrated is crucial for maintaining performance and preventing cramps during intense rides. Whilst we should always ride with a trusty bottle of regular water, coconut water is naturally rich in electrolytes like potassium and sodium, making it an excellent choice for replenishing lost fluids and minerals. 

It’s a great alternative to an energy drink if you’re looking for a more whole food option - personally, we’re not keen on all the additional ingredients found in these brightly coloured drinks!

Snack Choice is Crucial

Choosing the right snacks for your mountain biking adventures can make a world of difference in your performance and enjoyment. Aim for snacks that provide a mix of carbohydrates, protein, and healthy fats to sustain your energy levels and support muscle recovery. 

Whether you prefer the convenience of energy bars and trail mix or the natural goodness of fresh fruits and nuts, fueling your body properly will help you conquer any trail with confidence.
Next time you hit the trails, don’t forget to pack these snacks to keep your energy high and your ride epic. 

Happy biking!

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